Saturday, October 27, 2007

Random Family Pictures

This is from Rebecca and Nate's Wedding. They are such a good lookin' family!Maggie & Hallie = BFF. This was back when the Harmon crew lived in Utah. On one of their visits they went to the Tempe Town Lakes water park area. I just love this picture. It is still my desk top photo.
This is the last grand kid picture we took. Way out of date.
Melissa and I took the kids to see Cinderella at the Mesa Theater. It was a blast. We went to Nielson's Frozen Custard for dessert. Yummy!!!
Little Olivia Harmon. Too little for ice cream but that never stops her big sisters from sharing it with her.

Payson Trip (August 2007)

Joey waiting for his father to play catch. it comes!
Tara practicing her back walk over.
Nicole playing her favorite sport...SOCCER!